
Hi! We’re David and Sheila. Our company is Paradise Apps, and we develop apps for people on the go. Our passion is sailing and cruising. You may share our passion, or yours may be RV’ing, camping, or enjoying your cottage.

The apps we develop come out of years of experience of cruising on our sailboat, and will help you with your adventures. Our first app, Pantry in Paradise, is for provisioning and shopping. It’ll make sure that your shopping list is complete, that you know where everything is stored and have more time to enjoy your paradise – whether you’re anchored out, boondoggling, or sitting on the dock at the cottage!

Spend more time in paradise and less time in provisioning hell!

Our Latest App

Pantry in Paradise™ tracks your provisions, their exact storage locations and creates your next shopping list based on your trip’s requirements.

No more LOB (lost on board)! Never again wonder where that can of mushroom soup went.

Simplify life and enjoy your Paradise!

screenshot of inventory on hand


Our News

  • You never really know how things are going to turn out when you are away from your boat, and a Hurricane hits....

  • This boat show won’t be like any of the other shows we’ve been to. It’s not a boat fix. It’s not a chance to check out the latest and the greatest. It’s make it or break it time to find out if our inv...

  • We are about to launch Pantry in Paradise! Join us on our exciting journey! ...

Our Friends


Answers to many questions can be found by clicking on the Quick Start Guide on the App. Press the question mark at the top right of any screen and elect to read the guide. This will walk you through the quickest process to get going.

In addition to the in-app Quick Start Guide and Help screens, visit our FAQ page for more helpful information.